Fixing fast food to become healthy is not harmful

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Enjoy your food without the stress and get the right size and ingredients, as well as side dishes and sauces

You've probably heard beforehand that eating out will spoil your diet, even if you go to the finest restaurants. As it is known that some items in restaurants such as salt, sugar, and butter are added in great sizes to most delicious dishes. In spite of this, you can enjoy a delicious meal in one of the restaurants if you follow only these simple instructions.

Nutritionist Cathy McManus and Director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University's Brigham and Women's Hospital:

Eating lunch in the company of family and friends can be really fun if you make some updates to have a wonderful and healthy experience.

 Pay attention to the portion you eat

Most of the basic dishes in most restaurants are actually enough for more than one person, with the exception of restaurants that rely on the style of Novellio Cuisine in preparing dishes.   (Novello Cuisine means   "modern cuisine" in French, which refers to a modern method of preparing dishes, as it carries a trend towards preparing foods with less fat and less fat).

"Huge portions are a challenge in many restaurants," McManus says. "When food is available on the plate, it will be difficult to resist."

Accordingly, McManus suggests three strategies to help avoid eating excess food, which are:

Divide your main plate in half as soon as it arrives and ask the employee to turn one of the halves.

- Sharing the dish with someone who went out for dinner.

-   request two dishes of appetizers then instead of where the main dish is characterized by appetizer dishes meager quotas.

Avoid butter and salt

Many dishes contain amounts of butter and salt that you may not know. It is best to ask the employee at the time about the method of preparing the dish before ordering.

You can order your meal grilled or steamed without adding butter or sautéing it with a little olive oil instead of butter. You can also ask the cook to limit the salt.

Check other sources of salt, such as soy sauce and cheese sauce, and ask not to add salt to their ingredients or add to them in a moderate way.

 Ask about alternatives

Don't be shy to ask about alternatives. Because their bodies are sensitive to a certain type of food, many people need to appeal to a surrogate, so there is no need to prevent a customer from getting their right to ask for a replacement, McManus says.

Restaurant staff swap white rice for brown and plain semolina for whole wheat pasta as many of the ingredients have good alternatives available. Try asking for a slice of salad or green vegetables instead of onion rings or brown beans instead of french fries. Be sure of the side dishes available on the menu, as you may find a suitable successor in them without revealing the usual.

Side sauces

Sauces are a challenge in many restaurants. You can be surprised that there is so much sauce on the plate as soon as it arrives. You can avoid this by ordering them as side sauces, where you can add the appropriate amount yourself. You can also try its taste by dipping a piece of food with it to avoid immersing the plate with too much of it.

 Advance strategy

One of the best strategies for maintaining a food framework is an advanced strategy. Make sure of the food menu through the Internet, by calling the restaurant, or by visiting the headquarters. In general, you'll want to avoid fried foods that are high in fat, foods high in salt and cured meats that contain high proportions of both.

The advance strategy helps you decide if you want to skip a specific dish for another fee. For example, you might want to forgo your breadbasket in exchange for enjoying a spoonful or two of your dessert.
